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Expansive Education

1st Edition
0335247555 · 9780335247554
Teachers from schools across the world believe that there is more to education than success in examinations. Many practitioners are becoming increasingly familiar with expansive education concepts such as learning dispositions, habits of mind, and ex… Read More
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Foreword from Arthur L Costa

Widening goals, strengthening minds and creating enquiring teachers
The evolution of expansive education
Current approaches to expansive education
Expansive Pedagogy: a new model
Expansive education: a theory and a call to action

Teachers from schools across the world believe that there is more to education than success in examinations. Many practitioners are becoming increasingly familiar with expansive education concepts such as learning dispositions, habits of mind, and expandable intelligence, and are striving to instill these valuable mind-sets into their pupils. In this groundbreaking and visionary book, acclaimed authors Lucas, Claxton and Spencer define, consolidate and reinforce this revolutionary shift.

Expansive Education: Teaching learners for the real world showcases a growing number of schools that are developing methods of teaching and learning that deliberately cultivate powerful learners. Drawing on established theory as well as current research and practice, this essential resource encapsulates the best of these approaches, and demonstrates discernible links to achievement gains and learner engagement.

Expansive Education offers:

  • Radical thinking about the purpose of schools, underpinned by latest literature from the learning sciences
  • A critical exploration of what works in practice and an analysis of pioneering concepts that support dispositional approaches to learning
  • A scaffolding framework that assists teachers in consistently choosing those methods most likely to create expansive learning environments
  • A powerful manifesto for individual schools, clusters of schools, districts and national systems to articulate a different vision of education and a means of tracking real progress.