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Clinical Cases in Emergency Medicine

1st Edition
0074716611 · 9780074716618
Clinical Cases in Emergency Medicine: A Physiological Approach was compiled from real emergency cases from the Hobart Hospital Accident and Emergency wards. The authors have selected key emergency cases and presented the diagnosis and management of e… Read More
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Case 1: John has crashed his car ...

Case 2: Don's wife finally convinced him to seek treatment

Case 3: What is wrong with Mrs Jennings?

Case 4: Christopher had never felt thsi this before ...

Case 5: Frank ran intro trouble out on the water ...

Case 6: Norman barely made it to the hospital alive

Case 7: An elderly man collpasecollapses ...

Case 8: Holly was struggling to get her breath ...

Case 9: Mr Hanlon couldn't breathe ...

Case 10: Peter had been feeling increasingly depressed over the past few days

Case 11: Donna is extremely unwell after a party ...

Case 12: Derek only occasionally used heroin ...

Clinical Cases in Emergency Medicine: A Physiological Approach was compiled from real emergency cases from the Hobart Hospital Accident and Emergency wards. The authors have selected key emergency cases and presented the diagnosis and management of each condition with timelines to demonstrate the pressured element of working in emergency medicine. Enhanced with exam questions, photos, clinical vignettes, ECGs, X-rays and literature searches, the book is aimed at helping students make the transition to the clinical environment.

Features real emergency room cases and how they were managed. Includes self assessment multiple choice and exam questions. Aimed at pre clinical medical students in undergraduate and postgraduate courses